About a fun day out!

If someone asked me to talk about an important day out, I could not forget about a trip that some friends and I had to El Tabo in 2022. I'm bad at remembering dates or specific days, but let's say it was August or September of that year.

We were a lot actually, Bruno, Carla, Martín, Jorge, Paula, Tania, Diego and me. I met them here, at college. We used to study the same career, geography, but nowadays things have changed. Some of us left and took other paths in our lives.

So, I met them in the first year, but it was until the second semester that we all (the eight!) got along very closely

El Tabo is a coastal place in Valparaíso region, near to Cartagena or Algarrobo for an geographical orientation, it is like the closest place you can go if you are "Santiaguino" and want to reconnect with beach an ocean. We were in a winter break, a couple of weeks of vacation that the college gave us on winter. Try to think of a humid and windy coast, in WINTER. We weren´t in the Caribbean to be realistic haha. 

We tried to spend the time resting from the first semester, a strike and then a long sit-in that happened in our faculty during May and almost all of June, which left all of us tired and frustrated. 

We drink a lot of terremotos, white wine with Kem (iykyk ;)), and the best part (at least for me) was that Carla and I were in charge of the kitchen. We were chefs for about 5 days. I enjoy cooking a lot, for me and for the ones that I love.

I cannot tell you something particular that made a specific day special or fun, because all the days were incredible. The important thing was to be with them in that specific moment that only lasts forever in our minds.

I think all of us, the ones that stayed and the ones that left, can remember the warm, caring and special winter break of 2022 in El Tabo. 

In this photo Paula is missing :(, we went to San Antonio to be with
her 'til she could reach the bus to Melipilla.


  1. What is you favourite meal that you cook?

    1. I don't remember, but I'm pretty sure that in those years I was vegetarian so soy meat was my specialty ;)


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