The final post?
What I liked the most of writing the tasks and blogs was practicing English, but in a deeper way I always tried to put all my heart and feelings everytime I have to write about something that was or is special to me. Like that blog when I talked about Tia Rosita and my past in the adventist church or when I mentioned that I was a boy scout. My purpose in every topic that I liked was to write in the most honest way.
Beside of that, I think that the blog that I least enjoyed to write about was the one called "NYC Webquest!" but only because of the hard work that was looking in every website and trying to understand the Ney York metro system on Google Maps. Also, it was quite a long task to do so there I was a thursday evening looking for places that I don't know about hahaha.
The blogs that I liked to read the most from my classmates were those called "Two photos of moments in life", some of them put childhood photos of themselves or family pictures and I'm a big fan of the past and nostalgia so I enjoyed those blogs a lot.
Talking about learning and improving my English I can say that a task that helped me the most were making the video talks instead of writing posts. I think that it helped me more because when you make a "script" first you have to write it and then when you read it out loud you can notice the grammarly and writing mistakes, it is like the text goes through a filter. But I can't say that writing didn't help me, it did.
I have to say that I have this tendency to leave my goals and activities through time, it is quite difficult to me to asure that I will write again in the future. But I did enjoyed it, maybe in the future I could do so.
After all, it's been 3 years since I stoped to learn English in high school and it was the signature that I enjoyed the most. Being here learnig English again with the amazing teacher Simon was a big pleasure :)
Thank you, Javier. I really enjoyed reading your posts, even though I didn´t always comment.